Thursday 5 July 2012

The Dark Knight Rises (2012) – Is John Blake Batman?

Dark Knight Rises

    Christian Bale was an amazing choice for the Batman role. The best Batman ever, who can never be replaced. But, John Blake is the next Batman. Yes you read it right Joseph Gordon Levitt is wearing the Bat suit to protect the Gotham city on behalf of helpless Bruce Wayne. The Darkknight Rises is the epic conclusion to the legend. A conclusion that is going to end Bruce Wayne’s journey and hence retire leaving the legend to be continued by John Blake. John Blake, a unheard Comics character is going to the Nolan’s version of Azrael . The pictures you see below are actually JGL in Bat suit. Yes this is going to be little disappointing to see a short batman with thin shoulders again. But hope it will look good on the Big screens.

John Blake as the Darkknight

JGL as Batman Johnn Blake



~ spoilers ~ spoilers ~ spoilers ~ spoilers ~ spoilers ~ spoilers ~ spoilers ~ spoilers ~ ~ahead~


   After the Joker has been taken down, having assumed responsibility for the crimes of District Attorney Harvey Dent, Batman is chased into exile by the Gotham City Police Department. Eight years later Gotham reaches a situation that it no longer needs Batman, in the presence of true patriots like Gordon and sincere Gotham cops. Gotham celebrates its peace time and Wanye starts living his own life and keeps helping people of Gotham without the need for the mask. But Gordon always fears that something wasn’t right and feels some hidden conspiracy at midst the official bodies.

   Meantime, weak underground Dons still survive in the Gotham and decides to spread outside Gotham and one of them is motivated to hunt down a distant Mafia gang, lead by mysterious leader, for the enormous diamonds they are rumoured to possess. They succeed in capturing the gang but couldn’t find the treasures. So their leader is made to surrender before the Don and unmasked to find that it was Bane, a notorious villain who knows no mercy or pain. Bane then kills the Don and escapes to Gotham to claim the underworld with new proposals. It is also seen that he answers to a secret leader and his entry to Gotham was after all a part of a master plan.

   Selina Kyle is a Gotham’s prostitute who lives with her sister Holly Robinson and sorts to burglaries in order to give a better life for Holly. She manages to stick around Gotham’s powerful men of both extremes and overhears that there was a conspiracy to destroy Gotham, when she was trying to loot some diamonds from a underground gangster. Initially she doesn’t use any armoury. Bruce Wanye gets her attention and she attracts him to dance with her while wearing a party mask. In a drunken state she admits Bruce, that he has to hide from Gotham, since there was a storm coming in the form of a evil called Bane and his men. Bruce is then robbed of his car by Selina. Selina now realizes that wearing a mask has its advantages.

   Bruce couldn’t totally ignore Selina’s hint about the upcoming threat. And starts to feel the trace of League of Shadows in this. Meantime during these years he has also come too close to Miranda a librarian.

   People celebrates Harvey Dents Memory and in a game tournament, Bane makes his first appearance in public to blow the stadium and strike terror into Gotham’s peace. Gordon and his men tries to hunt Bane and as a result Gordon is severely injured and left to die at the hospital. Bruce meets Gordon at the hospital and learns the danger that Bane posses to Gotham before Gordon dies and realizes the need for Batman to rise again.

   Bruce trust Mirada as his source for normal life. Bane sounds familiar to Bruce and he starts researching on him and finds that he was formerly trained by LOS to become its successor before Bruce met Ras. But Bane had disappeared suddenly and thus leading to Ras’s search for new leader to LOS in the form of Bruce. Bane has undergone physical experiments that has made him invulnerable to pain. Now he is hired back by the hidden LOS secret leader to take over Gotham.

   So Wayne decides to wear the Bat suit again but he is found to be not fit for it, so Lucius suggest that he must look for a alternative way to fight Bane. Before Bruce could prepare himself Bane kidnaps Rich and good men of Gotham including Bruce with the help of Selina and starts to torture them for changing Gotham’s destiny which is total chaos. Helpless Bruce also suffers the tortures from bane and tries to know of his abilities and plan, but is further mortally wounded by bane. Bane also declares to the public that Batman is guilty of Harvey’s murder and he had escaped because of guilt.

   After the death of Gordon and silence from Batman, the secret society of LOS claims control of the Gotham slowly and it has its men in all the official bodies. John balk a Gotham beat cop is also a loyal member of LOS, now gets concerned about the innocent people of Gotham  when he gets close to orphan boys who reminds him of his childhood. So slowly he starts investigating of the secrets of the LOS leader which might help him change the situation. He investigates all the local prostitutes and burglars and seeks them for clues about Batman and his enemies. Meantime Selina has acquired a Bat suit and some of Wayne’s weaponry from the destroyed Wayne’s House and confesses John Blake that Batman has gone and won’t return to Gotham. Selena’s sister is also raped and imprisoned by Bane’s men and so she has a grudge against Bane and wanted to fight against him to save Holly.

   The Leader of the LOS orders bane to stop his actions on helpless Gotham’s men as they posses no harm to their plan and will eventually pay. But Bane continues to be a sadist and he disagrees the LOS leader and goes out of control in exercising his sadism over Gotham’s innocents. The Los leader is later revealed to be Miranda Tate aka Talia Al Ghul, the daughter of Ras, who regrets that she had disappointed her father motives and decides to rectify it.

   Suddenly when Bane’s injustice reaches uncontrollable limits, a Batman rises and confronts him. Though the new Batman doesn’t get into actual fight with Bane, he save the children and also manages to kill the bad guys, which are contrary to the Batman ethics. Batman is also accompanied by the Black dressed Selena Kyle. This creates confusion in everyone’s mind, as Bruce is still imprisoned. So Bane gets confused and diverts his attention on the Batman on the streets. Bruce now gets more concerned that the new Bat character is destroying the legend that he managed to create and is confirming Batman for Harvey Dent’s crimes.

   The new Batman and Selina work together to solve local crimes and thus give hope to Gotham people. Since Bane has already managed to convince the people that Batman is also evil. The Batman is hunted down by both Bane and Police men. Unable to escape new Batman tells Selina to betray him to Bane and escape herself, where as he will try fighting Bane to death. Selina agrees and Batman is made to get trapped in Bane’s place thereby confronting him face to face. Bane fights Batman and during the fight he brutally wounds the Bat and uncovers his identity. During the fight, Catwoman manages to free the prisoners by fighting Bane’s men. Bruce Wayne learns from Catwoman that Batman was fighting Bane to save them and Catwoman had set bomb to destroy the facility.  Bruce realizes the danger and rushes to the place where he finds unmasked John Blake in the bat costume being beaten up by Bane. To Bane’s Surprise Bruce confronts and diverts Bane. During the explosion and chaos Holly dies and cabwoman manages to escape with unconscious John before the place would blow.

   Bruce returns back to Wayne’s secret laboratory and seeks the help of Alfred and Lucius to help him get back to the game to save Gotham. Frustrated Bane tears down Gotham apart to revenge Bruce and finish the Batman. The dark knight then rises to confront all his odds which includes ferocious Bane with vengeance, unethical John Blake in Bat costume, selfish Catwoman, LOS and the people of Gotham.

   The story concludes with Bruce defeating Bane and LOS by risking his life and finally decides to hand over the crusade of Batman to be carried out by trustworthy men. Thus leaving the idea that the legend of Batman will continue forever.

Watch the Videos and Trailers:


  All that I discussed above are just my own concepts and views and are only assumptions. I am a huge fan of the Darkknight and can't wait to see the movie. I also can’t wait to know the secrets in the movie. I kept browsing everyday to see different people giving their different assumption on the plot and none of them are based on facts. Who is John Blake? He seems to be some important character for sure, otherwise he won’t be casted so often everywhere whenever there is a topic of the Darkkinght rises. So when some one have the privilege to spread spoilers, then why not me? After all I have been a huge Batman fan for more than 15 years. So be cool don’t be serious if I disappointed you. Who know may be, the above might even be close to the real plot. And we will find it soon. Wont we?

   The Darkknight Rises everywhere in the next 15 days and the count down starts now..

   Let me know if you like this story and also share what else would you like to see in the movie as a surprise.

1 comment:

  1. Lets hope the best. Meantime, please stop spreading spoilers.. Please..
