Saturday 30 June 2012


The Amazing Spiderman movie gets released worldwide on 3rd July, just 17 days before the Darkkinght rises. But I watched the movie on 29th June on the very first day of release in my country. And it was a really an awesome experience. I personally felt that a Spiderman Movie can never be any better. The movie with its brilliant cast has plot that is close to the comic book story line. Better and realistic special effects were a mind blowing experience to be watched in 3D. Hats off to the team! Finally the skinny, nerdy, talkative and amazing Spiderman that we all have been wait for has arrived.

The movie starts with childhood Peter Parker  imageplaying hide and seek with his father. Suddenly his father, Richard Parker  comes to his room and takes out a secret document from his office and starts packing up their belongings with Mary and Peter.2012-07-02_010933 The couple then leaves Peter at  his Aunt home and unwillingly bits goodbye to Peter and disappear. Peter then grows up along with Uncle Ben and Aunt May and reaches his teenage period . At school, Peter is constantly disturbed by a bully called Flash, while his class mate Gwen Stacy expresses her care for Peter and they both become friends. Back at home Peter finds out a hidden leather bag at their storage room and learns that it belongs to his father from Uncle Ben. imagePeter finds some documents and a photo of his father with an another man.   Uncle Ben tells Peter that the man was Dr.Curt Connors who was Richard Parker's colleague. Peter then seek out to find Dr.Connors and learn that he works in Oscorp Industries on cross-species genetics, that his father might also have been involved in the earlier stages.

Peter then goes imageto Oscorp to meet Connors pretending as an intern where he meets Gwen. Despite of Stacy's request as not to get intoimage trouble Peter breaks into a secret facility in the Oscorp, where he finds that some experiments were being done using spiders. In curiosity while peter tries to understand the equipment in the lab he disturbs a spider web and all the spiders collapses on Peter. He then manages to escape from the facility on the escalation by Gwen. In the meantime a spider that imagePeter carried from the labs bits him. Spider Bitten Peter then finds himself empowered with unseen powers while returning home in a train. Due to his weird behaviour he gets into an involuntary fight with the trainimage passengers. At home he shows same kind of behaviour with Aunt May and Ben and the next day he find the bitten spider and leans that he has acquired some super human abilities. At midst of his confusions, at school Flash tries to bully Peter but is humiliated by Peter. Peter also accidentally breaks a basket ball facility at school and uncle Ben is summoned by the authorities to counsel Peter.

Uncle Ben advises Peter and then ask him to pick up Aunt May in the evening as he has to go on  a night shift because of Peter's irresponsibility. While leaving, Ben sees Gwen standing nearby and comments if she was the girl that Peter had in his desktop. Peter then flirts with Gwen and she reciprocates it.

Peter then visits Connors at his home and learns that his father has disappeared at midst of a science research and caused imagedifficulty to Cornnors and Oscorp. Therefore in the belief to rectify hiimages father's fault Peter share the algorithm that he had learned from the hidden documents he found back at home. The algorithm works and Connors appreciates Peter for his brilliance.

2012-07-02_124532Peter returns home forgetting his Uncle request to pickup Aunt May and they get into a family fight. As a result Peter leaves home at night and uncle Ben follows to convince him. Peter escapes from Ben's follow up and encounter a robber at the shop. But Peter lets the thief to escape because of his grudge on the shop owner. This thief  then encounter imageBen on his way and shoots him to death. Peter then find dead Uncle Ben on imageroad and feels guilty for his irresponsibility and seek out revenge on the killer by wearing a mask. He also manages to create a web shooter from a technology invented by his father for Oscorp. He actually gets those tablets from the very same bag he found the formula.


Later with his newly created costume and web shooters Peter Parker 2012-07-02_010757sets out as a masked vigilante imageto protect the innocent. This gets the attention of Captain Stacy who is Gwen's father. Captain issues strict order to the cops to arrest Spiderman.

Gwen invites Peter to her house for dinner where Peter gets into word fight with2012-07-02_010601 Captain regarding the Spiderman issue and Gwen imagetakes Peter outside. Meantime back at the laboratory Connors is forced to experiment the new regeneration formula he found with the help of Peter by an Oscorp authority.

imageSince the experiment worked fine on rats due to the pressure from Oscorp Connors injects himself with the serum. But unfortunately the formula backfires and thereby mutating Connors into a giant lizard. imageLizard mutated Connors then seeks out to stop the Oscorp agent Ratha who was planning to try the serum on dying Osborn. Back at Gwen's home 2012-07-02_123047Peter confesses Gwen that he is Spiderman and kisses her before he leaves.  Lizard man creates chaos in the bridge and 2012-07-02_130330Spiderman arrives at the scene and fight the Lizard man.  Spiderman also manages to save the people and a boy trapped in a burning car.

imageThe Lizard mutation of Dr.Connors becomes very unstable and it reverts back to human form. Connors then recovers and find himself in a drainage tunnel. The next day Spiderman meets Connors at his home seeking for some answers regarding lizard’s characteristics. Seeing the scaly side effects in Dr.Connors body 2012-07-02_123357and the monstrously mutated rat in Connors house, Peter learns that the Lizard was the end result of Connor’s experiment on his attempt to regain his lost limb. Peter then persuades Captain Stacy to believe that Dr.Connors was the Lizard roaming in Newyork, but Stacy disagrees, yet he ask one of his men to collect details of Dr.Connors.

So Peter sets out to fight Connors on his own. He find that most of the lizards hides imagein the sewage. So as Spiderman, Peter locates the central hub of the tunnel and waits there for Connorsimage. Connors continues his experiment in the tunnel and this time he transforms back to more stable lizard form and fights Spiderman. Spiderman is wounded in the fight but manage to escape from the lizard and reaches Gwen Stacy home who treat him of his wounds. imageRealizing the danger that the creature can post to the public, Peter determines to control the lizard at any cause since he was the one who led to this by sharing the algorithm that his father had hidden from Oscorp. Back at the tunnel the Lizard finds the mobile phone that peter has left to snapshot the Lizard and learns that Peter Parker was the Spiderman.

imageLizard reaches Peter’s school through underground and creates havoc searching for Peter Parker.2012-07-02_123001 Peter then fights the Lizard in the campus and at midst the fight the Lizard encounters Gwen. But Spiderman saves Gwen before the lizard could harm Gwen. Police arrive to the spot and the lizard escapes.


The escaped lizard starts spreading the formula in the form of gas in the Newyork imagecity and as a result of this even the cops who fight the Lizard are also mutated into lizards. This starts spreading like a disease and the Lizard decides to transform the whole of the Newyork city into lizard crowd by spreading the gas from the Oscorp tower instrument. Knowing this Spiderman rushes to stop the lizard. Meantime he also conveys Stacy about the lizards plan and ask her to initiate imagethe cure for the lizard as per the guidelines in Dr.Connors office. But the cops shoots Spiderman with the Maze and remove his mask. But Peter manages to fight all of them except Captain Stacy. Having no choice Peter reveals Captain Stacy that he is imagethe Spiderman and convinces him that he has to stop the Lizard and save Gwen in the Oscorp tower. Stacy agrees to release Peter but a fellow cop shots Spiderman in his leg before he would fly. Spiderman gets wounded and finds imageit difficult to fly to the Oscorp tower. The crane operators of the city operates their crane ahead of Spiderman and supports him. Spiderman gets motivated by the public support and covers his bleeding wound with his spider web and flies to the tower. But before Spiderman would reach the Oscorp the Lizard finds Gwen at the lab but it ignore her and steals the instrument and heads to the tower top to spread the lizard Virus.


Spiderman finally reaches the tower and imagefight the lizard from initiating the Viruimages Bomb. Gwen hands over the cure to her father and request him to save her boyfriend aka Spiderman. Evacuation of the city was also in progress.


imageLizard overpowers Spiderman and threaten to kill him. But Captain Stacy arrives to the spot andimage shoots down the Lizard and saves Spiderman. Spiderman then rushes to replace the virus with the cure formula in the bomb while Captain Stacy engages the Lizard. But the Lizard heals quickly and kills the 2012-07-02_010639Captain and starts to interrupt Peter from disengaging the missile. But Peter brilliantly manages to replace the virusimage with the cure in the missile and the missile gets launched and blows to a blue gas cloud. The Lizard then realizes that it was the cure but it gets exposed to and starts transforming back to Connors. The tower collapses and both Peter and lizard falls of the building. A imagehuman hand lends out to save the falling Peter which turn out to be Connors. Then Connors transforms back completely to human form and regreimagets of his deeds and ask him to save Captain. But wounded Captain dies at the hands of Peter after getting the promise that Peter would always stay away from his daughter Gwen, since he would be fighting powerful enemies in the upcoming days. Peter agrees and stays away from Gwen.


After someday Peter starts to reach the classes late and gets warned by his Professor on his failure to be on time. The movie end with Peter realizing his responsibility and flying out to the sky as Amazing Spiderman.

The End
“We all have secrets; the ones we keep, and the ones that are kept from us.”

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