Saturday 28 April 2012

We're Not A Team, We're A Time Bomb

Yesterday, I  saw the Avengers movie. I am not going to beat about the bush, to be straight, it was a great movie. I enjoyed it to the core. Watching such movies on its first day is a great pleasure. I am not sure how many times I will be watching it in the upcoming days. I hope to watch it at least 3 times in the theater. Then I will borrow a copy of it and keep watching it util I get the blue ray official release. Because I really wanted to see those mind blowing scenes of the movie again and again endlessly.

I am just a huge fan of Iron man and Hulk and maybe that is why I am over reacting. So now let me get down to reality. The movie wasn't as I expected, not even close. I felt like I had watched a comedy film. I even doubted if the director was trying  to make fun of some glorious Marvel characters. But I will love this movie even if it was bad or might become a flop. All the previous hulk movies weren't great hits. But they had a good characterization for the Hulk. But in this movie, what happened? Did the animator rigged the Kinkong motion capture details in the Hulk model by mistake? Then why the hell was the Hulk acting like a gorilla! That was really bad. Hulk scenes and the heroic way they brought him into every action were great, but I could see only a Kingkong than a Hulk character there.

Secondly, Captain America's plot was so under-rated. He was like a totally useless fellow in the team, who brings nothing to the table, but just keep ordering like an useless Team Leader from an IT company. May be that what a team leader usually does, but our Captain should have been little inspiring. Captain America  was better portrayed in his first Avengers movie. In "The Avengers" movie, he is not good in technology, he wont listen to anyone, but still manages to get into everyone's way and disturb them for getting his ass saved. See, in any superhero team up, it is normal to have a superhero without any super powers. Just like the Batman in the JLA. But this normal human should posses some incredible intelligence and knowledge. In mean Captain America in Avengers should be like a Batman in Justice League. But here Tony Stark does both Batman and Superman. It is not expected that Captain America should speak all nerdy and steal the scene, but rather atleast he should have done something useful in the battle. Saving just a bus or a group of people in a mall or a party is meaningless when the aliens were crushing down a dozen buildings out there. I believed that his costume might look better on the big screen, but I was disappointed. The first movie costume was great. Maybe Tony Stark should have helped S.H.I.E.L.D with some little metal alterations to Captain's old uniform. And that round shield he has in his hand, is it such invincible that it can withstand even the blow from Thor's hammer? That was a junk from Stark's junkyard, remember! At least, he should have been given some guns all the time, to handle alien attacks. But Chris Evan's acting was defect free, only the plot given to him was bad. He was an inspiring hero in the first movie. In this case he is only a comedian.

Black widow, was saved with some reasonable plots. She worked better than Captain America in the battle scenes. Infact, it was only because of her and Ironman the city was saved from the alien invasion, while the others just stood still and managed to pass time with some actions till the climax came over. And same is for Hawkeye. But he should have really carried some more arrows. How does he expects to fight a battle with thousands of aliens with just one basket of arrows. And why is he surprised when his arrows were out during the end. Won't he know the capacity of his own arrow basket. He was useless without his arrows. But the good thing is, I was afraid if they were going to compare there two so called master assassins with the other super powered ones. Thanks, they didn't mess up with that, Black Widow and Hawk Eye were aware of their limits. To my understanding, as per the S.H.I.E.L.D, Avengers was only planned to constitute Ironman, Thor, Hulk and Captain America. The master assasins were depicted like they joined the team only because they had some personal issues with Loki.

Thor was good. Thanks he came shaved, unlike the first movie. He is known for his arrogance and Chris was so right for the character. Thor fights all the time, but never bother to use his brain. So his role in the battle was acceptable.

Oh, Ironman! You are the man. You saved the day. If there was no Ironman and hulk in the movie it would have been a total waste of time, money and everything. Ironman is the winner of the match. He saved the Newyork city. A  genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. He was fantastic. Robert Downey Jr and Mark Ruffalo are matured and brilliant actors. I liked the Bruce banner character better than the Hulk in the movie.  But that doesn't mean that the real significant characters like Captain America and Thor have to be depicted something like less useful in the Avengers team. This is bad that Marvel allowed their heroes to be exploited based on the importance of the actors. This is a real Shame. Captain America is the Leader and how could they ever forget that? The Ultimate Avengers animated movie was better.

The S.H.I.E.L.D team was also good. but the Villain and his army weren't powerful. I thought they might have a secret villain in the movie. Ofcourse they had Thanos, which was revealed in the post credit scene, but it wasn't enough. Because the audience don't wait to see the post credits. Even I came to know about it only through Wikipedia. The army of Chitauri was like they were made up of bubbles. They weren't a good match for the avengers. For instance, even black widow was able to assault a few alien guys with her bare hands and even hijacked a flying Chitaui with some stun gun stuffs. The alien army was just filling up the gaps in the scenes. And I cannot accept Loki as the main Villain. He is not such a big threat that requires Avengers on the scene. Just Thor himself can blow Loki off with his hammer and grab his stab to close the portal and end the movie. Loki was like a silly guy, he calls himself as a super powered villain, but still enters into word fights with normal people like Nicky furry, black widow etc.. He shouldn't have been such a girl. Hope he grows up at least in the next movie.  Hats off to Nicky Furry, Agent Phil and especially Agent Maria, because she looked more interesting than the Black widow. 

On the whole we got everything that we might look forward in the movie. Whether it was the fight between Thor and Ironman or Thor and Hulk or all possible combinations or if it was some glorious scene like the Hulk saving the Ironman like  in the game videos, everthing is available in this movie. Maybe sometimes I even wonder they took all such scenes on the first hand and then managed to frame them up into a story. But whatever may be the case, you cannot ignore this film. This might be one such film of its kind to be watched in the big screens. Because incase if this fails to become a blockbuster hit, then the Marvel is not definitely going to come up with Avengers part 2 or such Superheroes team up movies. It is no doubt you can enjoy every scenes in it but be prepared to tolerate a few. Goodluck!

"We're Not A Team, We're A Time Bomb" - The Avengers

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